Sunday, June 24, 2007
cheeeeeeesecake and daddy's growing tummy
this morning i was awakened from my slumber by mummy asking me to eat cheesecake for breakfast.. quite shocked, cos since when do parents ask their kids to eat something so fat-laden from the morning meal.. only after she explained did i understand..apparently my dad's been working diligently away at the cake, eating a bit of it without fail everyday.. and putting inches on his tummy and in his arteries in the process.. so my maid and i are supposed to finish the cake off so he wont be able to continue devouring it.. haha
class dinner and clubbing on saturday.. heh daddy sponsored me (: lots of steamy scenes on the dance floor with people masquerading as dancers when they're gropers or make-out-with-gf/bf-ers.. sigh.
I CAN PLAY MAHJONG NOW! thanks to delta tango! thank you mr lee!
weiwei (: at 7:58 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bitter words
I realised something during a conversation with a friend last night, often times when a barb is directed at us or we feel hurt by what someone has said, our first reaction is to retort with something stinging, hoping that whoever's on the receiving end will feel hurt too. Our prickly defences often cause alot more hurt than there needed to be, and so it goes on..This reminds me of a blog post that steph wrote a few months back about the power of the words we speak, this verse written there was the one that came into my mind this morning too..
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger... The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit' (Proverbs 15: 1,4)
It's very true, on hindsight.. that we should guard our tongues, for from it all sorts of ugly things can come pouring.. things that have been ruining relationships for centuries.. and to make it easier on ourselves, since censoring what you say all the time can be so very difficult, we should also censor our minds first.. haha cos if we dont have the thoughts, or cut them off before they can develop, then they wont be able to gain speed and pop out in words.
Another thing that I realised is that we really shouldn't get angry at others cos it just makes you miserable.. I'm not saying that moping around and finding excuses for them is a good way, so not, trust me.. but I don't see the point in working yourself up just cos someone has chosen to be less than civil to you.. easier said than done, yes.. haha so that's something to work on!
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Eph4:31
weiwei (: at 4:56 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007
come back to earth and turn anti-clockwise

Been going out quite abit this past week, walas with justin and steph, picked a pok table so we were shouting at each other the whole night trying to be heard. haha. Shopped like mad before that, spent enough money to buy and launch a bomb, which mum did when she found out how much I'd spent. And that wasn't even with full disclosure of the sum. haha. Happy with my purchases though, hadn't been on a spree since forever. Cured of my withdrawal symptoms, for now. Or at least til my wallet holds out.
Feeling a tad dizzy now.. haha should get my feet planted firmly on the ground before I come crashing down and it HURTS like mad. oh dear. I hope that doesnt happen. ):
Anyway, guess I'll have to settle down soon, tell myself I'll be reading eng lit in ntu this august.
Three of them are leaving for two weeks tomorrow.. I'll miss them, YiZHONG, shamir, austin.. God speed.
weiwei (: at 4:58 AM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
food of love
I think cooking is really an expression of love.. When you cook something for someone, you first have to consider what that person would like.. you have to know that person.. and then the painstaking prep work.. the adjusting of taste to that person's preferences..haha just a random thought sparked off by mummy cooking some stew for my uncle who just had a cataract operation.. and how she always boils soup for me and makes me drink it.. remembered how I would want to cook or at least make desserts for those I loved.. How I wanted them to enjoy something that I made, to bring happiness to them for that one moment (:
weiwei (: at 8:44 PM
snippets from group camp.
My first group camp (: half of me was enjoying the relative slackness of sitting around talking nonsense waiting for the food to arrive, the other half wanted to be in ubin with steph and liz.. haha. anyway some funny bits that happened..Me: Hey steph, some stupid person hung your bag of first aid supplies on my kitchen door
Steph: huh
Me: and some even stupider person took it as a rubbish bag.. now its got drink packets and stuff in it...
Wingkei: Eh weishan ah I don't think you should leave the food in the fridge leh.. I saw a cockroach inside..
Me: ???!!! AHH
Both (after opening the fridge door): eeeekkkk!! ka ka!!
Anyway, I really appreciated the independence with which the leaders allowed me to work, always always being unfailingly supportive but never intrusive. How readily they offered their assistance, how anxious they were about things that I was, too. Thank you!!! (:
weiwei (: at 8:38 PM