Saturday, November 17, 2007
when i can fit into that pair of jeans i bought while i was in australia and very chubby, i panic. usually when my other jeans get tight, its just "ohwell, maybe i have added a few inches?cm? to my hips/waist (insert appropriate body part), but when i realise they're really too snug for comfort - in the way that i cant sit down without them hurting, and have to turn to my "fatfat" pair, only to realise they fit prety well instead of the perfect situation of sliding off instantly, something hits me! and i think, "i'm actually FAT". I've observed, and correct me if i'm wrong, that there are generally three body shapes.. the nice concave, the rather scary tube, and the mm even more scary sphere kind of shape.. i'm in danger of becoming a tube, i think!And so while i muse on that very discomforting thought, i need a little something to take my mind off it and make me feel better.. i think i'll just have another slice of brownie.. after all, a girl's gotta have her comfort food...
weiwei (: at 11:59 PM