Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Downward Spiral

Inadequacies. Perhaps I'd never really bothered, perhaps it was complacency brought about by a false sense of superiority, but it's all too painfully clear now how lacking it was- in depth, in scope, in language even. Sloppy and self-indulgent attempts, tragic pieces detailing my minute setbacks and insignificant concerns. Even more lucid now, the fact that those concerns weren't neccesarily those of any consequence, but often for some tiny misdemeanour of another, of my imagined lack of something. Again, how ironically so, that this rant is, in itself, self-centred.

Progress is supposed to mean an improvement, a movement forward, isn't it? Instead, why do I feel like I'm flying straight down?

weiwei (: at 9:45 PM



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