Tuesday, May 22, 2007
the day on which i'll have to uproot and move draws ever nearer.. and as i was packing my stuff, i realised there was just so much to put away, all little pieces of my life. mum kept bugging me to throw stuff away, citing how small the new place is, but there was this nagging reluctance to get rid of even the smallest piece of paper, the ugliest and dirtiest soft toy.photos, notes, even exam scripts and useless trinklets, they fill box after box. anyway feeling so nostalgic today so here're some photos (:

steph and i at POTO (:
the three of us on TIE day haha
our little sheep family! fondue.. yum!

welcome to LIM CHU KANG!
weiwei (: at 7:47 PM
- at 6:39 AM creature comfort said...
nice photos Little Miss...but not the ones i expected...Tang Dynasty!!nex time got blur moment must take picture k? form a record of those special 'weishan moments'..like a work of art like dat...hehehe