Tuesday, May 22, 2007
the day on which i'll have to uproot and move draws ever nearer.. and as i was packing my stuff, i realised there was just so much to put away, all little pieces of my life. mum kept bugging me to throw stuff away, citing how small the new place is, but there was this nagging reluctance to get rid of even the smallest piece of paper, the ugliest and dirtiest soft toy.photos, notes, even exam scripts and useless trinklets, they fill box after box. anyway feeling so nostalgic today so here're some photos (:

steph and i at POTO (:
the three of us on TIE day haha
our little sheep family! fondue.. yum!

welcome to LIM CHU KANG!
weiwei (: at 7:47 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
chronicles of melody of euphoria
One sunny day, in the sleepy village Melody of Euphoria, several events were taking place. The sheep didn’t know it yet, but they would be affected by these events in an unconceivable way.Sheepsong and sheeppo were exiled to another factory on the outskirts of the village, while the goat was left alone for the time being. Sheepsai was alone in the middle of the pig-pen, but still the pigs refused to be civil. They made snide comments about how slow and unintelligent sheepsai was, all the while filled with self-righteous pride. They snorted on endlessly, delighting in their perceived resemblance to the graceful swans that flew in the sky.
Meanwhile, sheepsong wasn’t having a wonderful time either. In her attempts to seek solace and companionship from the goat in order to keep her sane, she caught the attention of auntie jackal, who was dissatisfied with this. Sheepsong was unlucky enough to be caught like a deer (or sheep) in the headlights on almost every rare occasion that she was munching on some grass on the slopes with the goat, and auntie jackal decided that the only way to prevent this was to pile sheepsong with so much work that she wouldn’t have free time. On the contrary, this new workload only caused sheepsong to need her breaks all the more, and eventually upset her so much that she decided to leave Melody of Euphoria, much to the dismay of the other villagers.
Her departure date was picked, and the sheep all looked on it with sadness. Baaaaaaa, they thought, a sheep is leaaaaaving… how maaaany more will follow?
weiwei (: at 6:39 PM
inspiration, aspiration
Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.1 Peter 3:4 (New International Version)
weiwei (: at 6:38 PM
long overdue post
I was just thinking last night before sleep came and claimed me.. why do we tell others things? why do we open our hearts up to them?maybe we want some advice, maybe we want comfort.. sometimes we just want to let it out and feel the burden lifted just because we've shared it with someone? whatever the reason, it was really something to think about. Which led me on to the next question, why do we do certain things? heh.
k just some thoughts.. this weekend seems to have been a very pensive one. sat in for the ventures' group camp meeting and left with alot of things mull over. i was so unhappy with OW and his female counterpart for the things they did, like how they kept feeding us their ideas and all.. but after saturday, I certainly hope I wont be so quick to condemn them in the future.
weiwei (: at 6:38 PM
Praise Him
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
weiwei (: at 6:37 PM