Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I think alot of times we know things about ourselves that are very true, and not very pretty. But we always choose to deny it vehemently when others point them out, arguing for the sake of arguing. When all the time we know we're in the wrong.

Or how other times we know somethings not right but we choose to gloss over it and mitigate the whole incident. I wish I could be more mature and face up to things, to really think stuff through and see my own faults before I make it worse. To think deeply, to think critically. Does that come with training?

weiwei (: at 8:24 PM



at 12:34 AM Blogger creature comfort said...

trainin? experience more like...esp e bad kind..at least u recognize ur flaws.."those who think they see most clearly are often more blind than the rest" someone once said..

at 10:36 AM Blogger Justin said...

yes experience will be a more accurate guide.training gives u so much preparation but in life u never noe wats going to come at u and when it is going to come at u. So the steep learning curves that experience will provide are the ones that will help u along the way. How u respond, how u reflect and how u grow. :)


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